Saturday, July 25, 2020

#WAAD Autism and filling the talent gap

#WAAD Autism and filling the talent gap Imagine, for a second, you are part of Australia’s  autistic community. The statistics are thin but according to research in the United Kingdom, there is an  84 percent  chance you are underemployed or unemployed. Just 32 percent of autistic adults are in some kind of paid work. As a result of this, your risk of health issues related to under-employment  loneliness, anxiety, depression and self-harm â€" is heightened. [Underemployment of the autistic community is] simply not right, not just because of the social injustice but because of the wasted talent.”   You may have never been in work; you may have, but are now out of the system due to a poor  employment experience. Imagine instead you are one of the lucky ones â€" one of the 16 percent who are fully employed. Sure, you are perfectly capable (maybe more than that â€" the same UK study found 60 percent of you have cognitive abilities as good or better than non-autistic people) at work. But you may find it difficult to interact socially, struggle relating to people, face bullying or lack self-confidence. Now step back: If you are a man, you represent one in 150 Australian men. If you are a woman, one in 750. Research increasingly shows many women on the spectrum are ‘hiding in plain sight’ and diagnosis rates, while on the increase, are underrepresented. Women typically present differently to men and this â€" alongside assumptions autism is a male disorder â€" disadvantage women with regards to receiving the support they need. Experts agree more needs to be done. Autistic people make up the  second-largest disability community  â€" but are three times more likely to be unemployed than anyone else.   It’s simply not right, not just because of the social injustice but because of the wasted talent which hurts the economy, businesses and broader society. Lonely or untapped talent it’s all a matter of perspective. Illustration: Tim Burke Talent A 2011 study  found  the economic costs related to autism in Australia was  just under $A6 billion,  spread across families, communities and government. Costs related to reduced quality of life is an additional $A3.9 billion. A  study from the  Australian Bureau of Statistics in 2015 estimates 164,000 Australians are autistic The figure is up from an estimated 64,400 people in 2009, indicating a growth rate which outstrips many other disabilities. According to  The Conversation, around one in 100 children  are diagnosed as on the spectrum. Research from the  National Disability Insurance Scheme  shows  29 percent of participants in the program are autistic. All these statistics suggest unless employment in the autistic community is properly addressed we’ll continue to propagate this social injustice not to mention waste valuable talent needed to grow a strong economy in this digital age.  The good news is there are groups already making the right moves. Many names As competition for talent heats up â€" particularly in the  information technology  sector â€" organisations are looking at alternative approaches to ensure they tap into a more-diverse workforce. Companies like software group SAP, tech giant Microsoft, services provider DXC technology and investment bank JP Morgan Chase are among the many names pioneering this talent pool for some years and their results are astounding. For instance, JP Morgan Chase assessed a non-autistic and autistic team in their testing area and the autistic team were 48 per cent more productive. The societal challenge and productivity opportunity are something we just cannot ignore. Opportunity At ANZ, our response has been to partner with DXC technology and establish the Spectrum Program, adapted from their highly successful  Dandelion  program currently running in the Australian Federal Government’s departments of Home Affairs, Defence and Human Services. Our program has seen nine candidates, two team leads and an autism spectrum consultant, known as the ‘Pod’ recently established. It is a three-year commitment to the participants to develop them as cybersecurity and testing analysts. Matt and his son. The program team leads work closely with our ANZ team leads to ensure there is a constant flow of work, training and tooling aligned to ANZ’s way of working. The autism spectrum consultant is critical to the success of the program, helping candidates with the very real challenges they face in regard to social interaction, communication and relationship building. During the period participants go on outplacement to their ANZ teams and between the end of year one and three, all candidates will be offered full-time employment with ANZ. The impact of the program is already turning heads. As one volunteer said, it has been a “deeply interesting and profoundly affecting experience, volunteering with this group of brilliant, passionate and motivated people”. “I was impressed by the diverse range of talents, interests, and the depth of knowledge and personal courage that the participants possessed.” Ultimately ANZ’s vision is to scale up and with our customers and partners to scale out. We’ve had overwhelmingly positive feedback and a lot of people asking how they can help. Our strategy is to supercharge the efforts of organisations leading in this space with our talent and facilities.  I will leave you with this excerpt from Lynda Mullaly Hunt’s book  Fish in a Tree,  which encourages everyone to celebrate different gifts and talents.  â€œEverybody is smart in different ways. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its life believing it is stupid.” Together we can leave a legacy far beyond ourselves that doesn’t just help a community but changes a nation. Matt Ormiston is Head of Tech Corporate Optimisation and Director â€" Spectrum Program, TSO at ANZ. The illustrations in this story were created by  Tim Burke. The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ. This post is republished with kind permission by ANZ. You read the original here. Discover what exciting career opportunities await you with ANZ through FlexCareers here.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Make a Good First Impression The Introduction Email - Your Career Intel

Establish a Good First Connection The Introduction Email - Your Career Intel As an Executive Senior Partner with Lucas Group, I have both gotten and sent many presentation messages. There are two primary reasons for a presentation email: to acquaint yourself and with clarify why you would increase the value of the beneficiary's association or profession. In the present computerized age, an email acquaintance permits you with make non-intrusive, starting contact with a possible competitor or manager while allowing them the chance to react whenever the timing is ideal. Things being what they are, how would you create a starting email? The principal thing that the beneficiary will see is the title. Consider something eye catching or infectious to quickly draw in the peruser. In the event that I see email headlines that incorporate who alluded the person to me, I'm probably going to peruse those messages first. In the event that you ca exclude a referral or common companion's name, compose an inventive feature, for example, Public Company CFO with Turnaround Experience. Certainly don't leave the headline clear. Next, present yourself, promptly clarifying why you would be an advantage for the peruser. Incorporate different expert abilities and experience to give an edge of reference to your profession history. For instance, My name is Elaine Beagle, and for over eight years, I have driven outcomes and outperformed objectives, enlisting top ability for customers and giving compensating profession chances to my up-and-comers. I comprehend that your organization is extending and I accept my range of abilities and experience can help your association in accomplishing its money related goals. On the off chance that you are looking for another vocation opportunity, make certain to connect your resume to the email. Before appending it, survey it for any syntactic and spelling blunders and ensure it is custom-made to the organization or position that you're keen on. Likewise, in the event that you can discover shared opinion with the beneficiary, remember that for the email body also. Look at their LinkedIn profile and check whether you went to a similar secondary school, share a common side interest or share any associations for all intents and purpose. One approach to mesh this into the email is by saying, I saw your LinkedIn profile and saw you went to the University of Texas; I moved on from that point too. Finally, pose inquiries to endeavor to lure a reaction. In case you're messaging a likely business, approach about the situation for which you're intrigued. You can likewise request that the beneficiary meet to additionally talk about the chance or to have a call whenever the timing is ideal. By posing inquiries, you are bound to get a reaction to your email. Have you as of late sent or gotten a decent or poor presentation email? Offer your involvement in us.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Little-Known Secrets to Resume Styles 2019

The Little-Known Secrets to Resume Styles 2019 Whatever They Told You About Resume Styles 2019 Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why Keywords from the work declaration ought to be used all through the resume to uncover the peruser which you're equipped for being the up-and-comer they are attempting to discover. In case you're sufficiently shrewd to tailor your resume to the work portrayal, it is easy to guide the enthusiasm of the enrollment specialist to where you want. In the mean time, you need work as a LPN. There are a wide range of patterns of resumes used to make an application for employment opportunities. You have earned a vocation that you love and now's the chance to cause it to happen! By featuring aptitudes rather than work history, an individual can accentuate the person qualified for the activity. In the event that you might want to get a pleasant activity, you require a decent resume. Try not to make the blunder of noting each activity posting with exactly the same conventional resume. In the event that character is a basic piece of the activity, as in a business position, a video resume can be a decent method to land a meeting. So in case you're intending to make an application for a new position in 2019, you must have a secure arrangement to develop or refresh your resume. Its substance stuffed design is perfect for drawing in managers with various realities, for a fact to instruction. Choosing a resume format or design from a specific industry or field is a way to find watchwords and expressions which are generally pertinent to your line of workincreasing the chances of a re cruiting administrator or manager to watch your accommodation. 1 Resume is an absolutely free one page web format that incorporates a smooth jQuery slide between areas of the website page. The resume layout may likewise be utilized on the off chance that you have an introduction on profession related subjects. Resume layouts which you find on the web may carry out the responsibility. Your achievements remain without anyone else. It's the best resume position for people who wish to feature their capacities and achievements and their work history. You should focus on key capacities and guarantee your accomplishments go dependent on the work position. Rather, you will feature applicable capacities and accomplishments from past work in the perfectly adjusted visual cues. Obviously you may include or evacuate areas you don't need, or spotlight on any ideal segment where you can feature your capacities. After you have included your subtleties and work understanding, it's conceivable to li kewise spare your resume as PDF in the event that you need. Zety's resume formats are made with the guide of selection representatives and hold fast to the prescribed procedures in HR. When you have settled on your ideal resume format from our choice, follow our thoroughly free master direction about approaches to make the extraordinary present day continue. As a C-level official, an on-line site offers you a chance to be seen and offer your crowd a chance to get, as and trust you. 1 bit of leeway for businesses to web resumes is the significant cost sparing as opposed to conventional employing techniques. When you've checked on resumes in your field, scrutinize continues across fields to figure out how to shift the use of activity action words and get a vibe for what makes a powerful achievement articulation. Having an appreciation of the advantages of using a resume creator isn't only a way to monitor time, however moreover it is a way to support certainty and your capacities when pushing ahead in the work world. In this manner, except if you're applying in an extremely imaginative field, a basic resume is oftentimes the activity. Utilizing our resume and CV makers today is a methods for you to break in the work world regardless of your experience! It's feasible for you to see our post to find out more and guides to assist you with creating a resume with almost no or no work understanding. What You Don't Know About Resume Styles 2019 Well, fortunately, there's a genuinely straight forward approach to set up which resume configuration would work the absolute best for you. Simply investigate make sense of which position you have to utilize. At the point when you position your resume you wish to guarantee your leave enough edge space to allow for printing. In the event that that is the situation, at that point the opposite sequential organization could be ideal for your resume! Expelling your graduation dates from your resume can be a judicious move and give a humble extra secrecy once it goes to your age. You should pick carefully. What Everybody Dislikes About Resume Styles 2019 and Why The pinnacle of your resume ought to includecritical key expressions and a quick depiction of your center qualities, Leavy-Detrick states. Beneath, you will find a rundown of resume models that may help you with your work search. Using catchphrases is 1 strategy to get got in the ATS, however besides, the arrangement. For instance, make sure to remember catchphrases from the work depiction for your resume.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Surviving the Deteriorating Global Job Market - Resume Writer For You

Surviving the Deteriorating Global Job Market The global job market is deteriorating. You might want to ignore it, but it won’t do any good. This is the harsh reality that all of us need to accept and move ahead with a properly focused strategy to ensure that we don’t succumb to the waning job opportunities. According to the ILO, global unemployment is expected to rise to 212 million in the years to come. This is just one aspect of the problem. There are several other important aspects that need to be considered in order to understand the true extent of the problems that are currently upon us as well as the ones that we might face in the upcoming years. Unemployment issues are two sides â€" one involving the economic and commercial sector where the factors may not be in the control of the job applicants, and the second one involving the lack of effective job application resources which prevents candidates from taking advantage of the opportunities that come their way. The latter can be worked upon by using the right career resources and ensuring that the recruiters are presented with the required information with which an applicant may increase his / her chances of being selected for the respective job. The Rising Unrest in the Global Job Market The ILO has shared that the deteriorating job market will give rise to immense social unrest brought about by the increasing income inequality and high unemployment rates amongst the youth. The factors affecting both of these aspects may differ from region to region, but it is causing similar results across the globe. If the social unrest is not curbed in time, then it could pose a serious risk to the harmonious working environment in organizations and it would definitely have a negative impact on the economy as well. A slowdown in economic growth will cut off more jobs this year with the major part of this impact being faced by the youth who would have to fight it out against the financial crisis. ILO Director General Guy Ryder said: “More than 61 million jobs have been lost since the start of the global crisis in 2008 and our projections show that unemployment will continue to rise until the end of the decade. This means the jobs crisis is far from over so there is no place for complacency.” The insurgence of the financial crisis may have ended years ago, but the impact can still be felt today. Comparison of Unemployment Rates in 2015 and 2019 (Source: ILO) Unemployment in different regions around the globe (Source: ILO) Prospective sectors that will create the most jobs (Source: ILO) According to the ILO’s report, World Employment and Social Outlook â€" Trends 2015, more than 212 million people will be out of work with little or no work opportunities by 2019. The situation is much more serious than our anticipation. The rising unemployment levels will also cause less trust in the Government. Problems with employment will also have an impact on the education sector because the pay trends won’t be able to match the improvements in educational qualifications. What Can We Do To Overcome the Challenges? The government is doing its part in resolving some of the major challenges affecting employment. However, it is not enough and as per the current stats, it could take a long time before noticeable changes are seen. These factors are beyond our control so there is no use spending our time contemplating about it. The best thing that can be done by the candidates is to strategize their job hunting efforts and come up with professional resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles so that their chances of being selected for jobs is increased significant. Eminent entrepreneurs like Siddharth Rajhans have professed the use of professional resumes for increasing the chances of securing the dream jobs. A professional resume helps a candidate to present his or her skills in an appropriate manner which could make the candidate desirable for the job being offered. This could even overcome certain caste issues as the organization would definitely want to take a skilled candidate instead of going ahead on emotional biasness. Moreover, the resumes do not carry any identification of caste unless the recruiter is familiar with the common surnames that belong to a particular caste. So this gives a better chance to the candidate to get selected. The problem is that most people do not know the right way of preparing the documents. Everything needs to be done professionally because the organizations of today operate in a global environment and they uphold professionalism more than any other factor. This is why you should focus on coming up with the right set of career resources and make use of online portals for targeting jobs successfully. With this approach, we overcome the employment gap to some extent instead of focusing excessively on factors that are beyond our control.